Coronavirus (COVID-19) Explained Easily | Symptoms | Prevention | Latest News and Updates

The Educationist Hub
11 min readMar 25, 2020


COVID-19 Explained Easily | Symptoms | Prevention | Latest News and Updates
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Explained Easily | Symptoms and Prevention

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected more than 100 countries worldwide and is spreading very quickly.

Come on, let’s discuss all of this information in this blog post today.

In early February, the coronavirus only spread to China. There were around 25,000 cases and around 500 victims.

There have been more than 275,000 cases and more than 11,000 deaths worldwide. There were also more than 90,000 restorations and the virus had not been identified.

Scientists, now called the new coronavirus, have called it SARS-CoV-2 because this virus is very similar to the SARS virus that was common in 2003 and is therefore known as SARS-CoV-2 and the disease. caused by this virus was called COVID-19.

The spread of this coronavirus has blocked cities around the world to stop it from spreading. Schools, restaurants, shops, cinemas, gyms, and air travel are closed, and the exact reasons why will later be explained why this is so important.


First, let’s talk about the symptoms:

All cases in China were analyzed by doctors and researchers to determine the exact symptoms of COVID-19 and the differences between colds and flu. Their analysis found that fever is mandatory in 88% of cases in COVID-19 cases. -19 Dry cough occurs in 68% of cases.

Fatigue occurs in 38% of cases and dyspnea in 18% of cases. With this in mind, you can assume that COVID-19 is likely to be quite high if you have a fever or dry cough. Note what are the differences from the common cold.

However, the nasal discharge factor in COVID-19 was only observed in 5% of the cases. So if you have a runny nose, you can relax. This means that there is a high probability that you have a cold and not COVID-19.

Difficulty breathing is a big difference to the flu. If you have difficulty breathing, this is a symptom of COVID-19. There are no cold or flu symptoms.

coronavirus compared to other conditions
Table Source: Business Insider

In the table above you can see exactly what symptoms are different between COVID-19, cold and flu. Another important point regarding the coronavirus symptoms reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) is that they are only mild. Symptoms are visible in 80% of COVID-19 cases. Even so, 80% of people who have been infected with COVID-19 do not experience much pain. Your bodies will recover on their own without doing anything.

Severe symptoms are visible in 14% of COVID-19 cases, and 4.7% of cases require critical care and need to be hospitalized. In all other cases, deaths can occur.

In general, it can take an average of 5 to 6 days for symptoms to appear in your body. But it’s contagious in 5 to 6 days. You have become infected with the infection by assuming that you are healthy, fit, and disease-free. You can also pass the infection on to others. This makes COVID-19 extremely dangerous.

The symptoms are not visible in humans and they go out and interact with other people and transmit the disease.


If we divide the total number of deaths by the total number of cases worldwide, that number would now increase to around 4%.

However, experts still believe that the COVID-19 mortality rate is only around 2%, as there are many cases that are not reported. In many countries, we ask people to only be tested if symptoms are visible.

However, we have found that in many cases there are only mild symptoms and many people are rejected by the tests because there is insufficient evidence in the case of China. The death occurred in 15% of the cases when the age was over 80 years. You can check this table here:

covid-19 risks in aged-ones people
Credits: CNN

There is this age group from 10 to 39 years, in which deaths only occurred in 0.2% of the cases. It is now clear that COVID-19 is more lethal to the elderly. You can see the same diagram for different health problems.

We see that death occurred in 10% of cases with cardiovascular disease. People who already have diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer die more often from COVID-19. Some other interesting conclusions come from country-to-country mortality rates.

For example, in Germany, where 16,000 cases have occurred, there were only 44 deaths. The mortality rate is simply 0.27%. If one also looks at this in Great Britain, the mortality rate is 4.4%. In Italy, mortality rates have reached 8.3%.

Then you can see how many people actually died from the reported cases. There is a big difference between these from country to country.


The exact reason for this is difficult to determine, but experts have given their opinions on why this is happening.

In the case of Germany, the three main reasons were given. The first reason is that 70% of coronavirus cases occur in young people in Germany, the age group from 20 to 50 years and these people spend their skiing holidays in Italy.

These were the first people to bring the infection to Germany, and most cases occurred in young people. Since young people have better chances of survival, their mortality and mortality rate is low.

The second reason given by a German virologist was: test, test, and test. Germany took tests very seriously and tested them on a large number of ordinary people, and the third reason is said to be the good German health system.

The availability of hospital beds in Germany is much better compared to other countries. If you look at hospital beds in European countries for every 100,000 inhabitants, Germany has 823 hospital beds and Germany comes first with 331 beds and Italy last.

Read The Another Article:

South Korea is another example that has managed to stop the spread of COVID-19. The same reasons were explained behind it. There are a sufficient number of hospital beds and numerous tests. Infected people were kept isolated and the country responded very quickly. The example of South Korea was so great that the number of daily cases has decreased.

The coronavirus case diagram in South Korea is declining. When you compare the graph of the total number of COVID-19 tests with the country, South Korea is number 1, Germany number 2, and it’s pretty clear that if we want to limit the spread of this virus, no. The number of tests should increase in our country.


According to the latest information, this virus is mainly transmitted through personal contact. If you are in close contact (i.e. about 6 feet) with an infected person, you have a good chance of getting the virus.

Another source is breath droplets. If an infected person coughs or sneezes when their breath falls into their nose or mouth, they can also get the infection.

And if these breath droplets remain in the air, the virus can survive in the air for three hours. If they fall on a surface, this virus can survive one day in cardboard and the virus in plastic and steel for up to three days.

If you ordered a package for delivery in China, some people were too scared beforehand, there is no need to be afraid because, as I said, it doesn’t survive more than a day.

The R0 value, ie the reproductive rate, indicates the reproductive rate of the virus. R0 means how many people infect an infected person on average.
Even now it is estimated that the R0 value of this new virus is 2–3.

On average, one person infects two or three people. It’s quite low compared to many other diseases, but compared to influenza, the R0 value for influenza is 1.3, which is many times higher than the SARS virus that spread in 2003. It had a similar R0 value, if not more.

However, this virus did not spread beyond China and Southeast Asia. For some reason, the world was successful in controlling it, and now it was not possible to control the new coronavirus.


Because of this virus, experts today speak of maintaining social distance, i.e. avoid leaving your home and stay away from other people when you leave your home. Keep a distance of about 6 to 7 feet so that it does not come into contact with them and the infection does not spread.

Could you think you are healthy and how much it affects you? Anyway, I’m very young, so my chances of dying from this virus are slim, so I’m leaving. It is not my business. I would like to show you an example, and if everyone practiced social distancing, how much would this affect the spread of the virus? This is a very interesting simulation from the Washington Post.

maintain social distancing simulation
Simulation Source: Washington Post

Imagine each point as a person. A blue dot means a healthy person. A brown dot represents an infected person and a pink dot stands for a recovered person.

In the graphic above you can see that the x-axis represents the time at which the y-axis represents the total number of infected people. So you can see how the virus spreads when people interact with each other. The number of infected people is increasing. You will find that over time, all older people have become infected and then recovered.

Now look at the same example, if everyone practices social distancing from each other, that is, if they do not leave their home, the point does not move, it remains stable. You will find that these points interact less, come into less contact and the charts slowly increase over time, the number of infected people slowly increases and the time extends.

Now compare the two graphs. One graph resembles a mountain and the other a small hill. If you look at the maximum points in these graphs, you will see the number of people infected at that time. There are many more infected people (in the diagram) without social distancing and at this point the number of hospital beds. It is restricted in our cities and countries. Therefore, we can draw an intermediate line that relates to the capacity of our health system at a certain point in time.

If more than this number of people want to go to the hospital, our health system cannot support them. There will be a shortage of hospitals and hospital beds. Then this will happen without social distancing. There will come a time when so many infected people come in and there are not enough hospital beds available so that people who can be saved cannot be saved.

This is known as the flattening of the curve, which is why COVID-19 became such a big crisis in Italy. The government there was not ready. The number of infected people increased so dramatically that space was lacking in hospitals. There were not enough hospital beds.

Today, the situation is so unfortunate that doctors have to decide which patient should be treated first, while there is only one hospital bed where I can only take care of one that I need to prioritize. You have to take this person because the other person is more likely to die. These are avoidable deaths.

This is why other countries have taken Italy’s example and learned from it. And now countries around the world have taken more social distancing measures. Public places are closed. People should stay at home. New hospitals are being built. The stadiums will be converted into hospitals to ensure adequate availability of hospital beds.


And that’s why our government announced today a “self-quarantine” (#karachilockdown). As a first step, this is a great decision to tell people not to leave their homes and quarantine them.

However, this is only the first step: it will not be enough. I’ve read a lot of WhatsApp messages that say it’s a stroke. People have been told not to leave home for 14 hours, and this virus can only survive for 12 hours. This virus completely disappears after 14 hours.

The virus is not quarantined for 14 hours. We have to do it for the next 2–3 weeks. as far from home as possible Take as many social distancing measures as possible. The police in France and Italy have punished people for leaving their homes for no reason. Colombia is a South American country that has refused to offer a 19-day quarantine to the entire country, even if the death from the coronavirus has not occurred.

It is very good that you prepare in advance. We also have to take strict measures in relation to these countries. This should be done for the next 2 to 3 weeks. At the same time, there is no need to worry.

Some people were just as afraid to have all the stocks in the markets as if an apocalypse was developing. There is no difference in the food supply.
Videos have appeared in which you can see people stocking themselves with toilet paper. This is pure stupidity. Steps are being taken to ensure that our health care system can maintain the number of people infected so that everyone who needs them can be cared for at the right time. It can take up to a year for the COVID 19 vaccine to arrive.

Efforts are being made to control the spread. The German head of state Angela Merkel has stated that despite the low mortality rate, around 40–70% of the German population can be infected with this virus if they do nothing.

If a large number of the population is infected, the deaths we see can be g = hundreds of thousands or even millions. That is why the slowdown is so important.


Some people claim that the spread of the virus due to heat will be limited at the beginning of summer, but the WHO says we shouldn’t have false hopes for it.

Although some research has shown that with each 1-degree increase in temperature, a certain percentage of the spread of this virus is reduced.


Due to the direct coronavirus and the closure of cities and public spaces, people cannot go to their workplaces. This will have an economic impact on the global economy that has not been seen in centuries. Governments have already announced that they will pay wages to people who cannot go to work.

Governments will prevent companies from going bankrupt and closing. In many European countries, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and even the United States, billions of dollars have been raised to protect people from their economic impact. Politics are changing worldwide. Right-wing parties have spoken about a left-wing policy that would give people money and be in the hands of the consumer.


That’s it for today’s article. Please let me know if you would like to support my writings so that I can continue to create more informative and educational articles for you.

Thank you for reading this article and don’t forget to wash your hands as washing your hands is one of the most important preventive measures you can take to protect yourself from COVID 19.

Wash your hands properly and wash your hands for 30 to 60 seconds.

covid 19 wash your hands properly

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The Educationist Hub

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